Some cool Humor images:
Youtube awesomeness
2006-06-01 22:28:21
Posted Date: 2006-06-01 22:28:21 , By : nata2
I love when big sites don't lose their humor
blogged by youtube
For the people who can't figure out humor - youtube was not hacked - it was a "site down" message from the youtube peeps. They are just cooler than you.
2010-02-12 08:58:58
Posted Date: 2010-02-12 08:58:58 , By : ToddMorris
picture taken 12 Feb 2010
Ok, I realize that from a photography perspective, this isn't much more than a "snapshot". However, one of the reasons I decided to do project365 was to make sure I recorded and preserved some memories of this year. When I came in to work today and saw what SSgt Johnson had come up with during his (obviously very slow) Swing shift last night, I knew it would be today's picture.
Blog Post: How Forecasters Really Guess the Weather
Categories : Funny Pictures
Tags: Cool, Humor, images , #Cool, #Humor, #Images , #FunnyPictures
Site Name : HD Wallpapers | High Quality Images And Videos
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